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In this video, we'll discuss quantum communication's future with Quantum Internet's QPhone and Quantum Box.
Quantum Internet is a technology that uses quantum key distribution (QKD) to create a decentralized network that can transmit data over long distances. QPhone and Quantum Box are two products of this technology, and we'll discuss their capabilities and how they can benefit your day-to-day life.
Don't wait any longer; watch this video and learn about the future of communications!
Join the quantum revolution with Quantum Generation! Our cutting-edge ecosystem utilizes quantum technologies, including quantum mesh networks, quantum repeaters, and quantum key distribution, to revolutionize communications and protect your privacy, freedom, and legacy. Introducing the QPhone and Quantum Box, our proprietary devices that utilize QGWAVE frequency for lightning-fast communications. Our low Earth satellite infrastructure creates a decentralized and incentivized network for the quantum internet. Be a part of the future and join the Quantum Generation community today. Sign up for early access to the QPhone and Quantum Box, launching to selected members in 2023. www.qg369.space and www.quantumgeneration.io
In this captivating video, we delve into the future of quantum AI and explore the intriguing question of whether it will be a blessing or a curse for humanity. Discover the transformative potential of quantum technology and join us as we engage in a thought-provoking discussion about its responsible integration into our societies. Throughout the video, we examine the key benefits and challenges of decentralized applications, which hold the potential to make a tremendous impact on society.
Through the lens of AI and quantum computing, we embark on a journey that could herald the dawn of a new era of transformative technology or bring us to the brink of mass destruction. If you are interested in transformative technology, this video is tailor-made for you. We meticulously analyze quantum AI's potential benefits and drawbacks and explore its potential impact on the future. Additionally, we shed light on the challenges that lie ahead and must be overcome to leverage this remarkable technology fully.
This thought-provoking talk delves deep into the potential implications of quantum AI and offers insights into how it will shape the future of computing. Gain a comprehensive understanding of the challenges and rewards of this revolutionary technology, and ultimately form your opinion on whether it will be a blessing or a curse.
Don't miss out on this enlightening discussion as we envision the future of quantum AI and explore the responsible integration of this technology into our societies. Join us on this extraordinary journey and become a part of the Quantum Generation® as we work together to shape the quantum revolution and progress toward a future powered by quantum technology.
For additional information, see www.qgai.xyz or www.qg369.space.
Are you wondering what the top-secret plans of Quantum Generation® are? Did you know that we have a decentralized community orbiting the Earth in Quantum Space-Based Decentralized Network? Did you know that we have a satellite phone?
We're going to reveal the top-secret plans of Quantum Generation® and show you how our system can help you achieve your goals in life! We'll also discuss how our system can help you to connect with friends and family around the world, no matter where they are located! If you're curious about the future of technology, then this video is for you!
Discussing Quantum Generation® Space-Based Ecosystem and how it will shape the future.
Quantum Generation is a space-based ecosystem that will make it possible for us to send and receive data using photons instead of waves. This revolutionary technology will change the way we live, work and play, and will fundamentally change the way we think about the world around us.
Quantum Generation® space revolution is a new era of decentralized satellite service, enabling quantum internet, Fintech, data, and mobile and changing the global communications landscape with endless opportunities. Closing the gap on the last mile and reaching remote areas with fiber-speed internet and communications, Power flexibility, and unprecedented coverage with quantum speeds.
Quantum Generation® is a Space-Based Quantum movement building "QG ®Leaders." These are leaders who can see the future and make it happen. They are creative, innovative, and disruptive forces. They are not afraid to take risks. They have a vision that they see coming before others see it coming.
It's time for a new generation of leaders - Quantum Generation® Leaders is a global community of emerging leaders ready to change the world, protect our privacy and freedoms, and create new economies.
Quantum Generation® Space Based Phones, internet and data storage use an incentivized QGWave® node to build the network. Putting the Power in People's Hands.
The QPhone is a quantum-enabled device that will be the first of its kind. In addition, it will be the first device to utilize space-based quantum mesh network technology and QUBIT Blockchain® technology.
The Quantum Generation® Space-Based ecosystem is an entirely un-hackable system. Therefore, it would be impossible to shut down the internet or any connected devices. The QGWave® network is an incentivized community built by the global QG® Community.
Quantum Generation® "Quantum Mesh Network" is a decentralized system of nodes that works as a mesh network to deliver high-speed Internet connectivity across the globe. We are disrupting the traditional telecom and Internet industry by replacing infrastructure with a distributed network of nodes incentivizing our Quantum Generation®
Shape able quantum beams for real-time configuration for communications on the move and utilizing the quantum generation technologies for Q phone. The QGSAT® Quantum Generation® ecosystem with the quantum wave quantum frequencies for the QGWEB, QG Internet, and other products and services in the QG® ecosystem. We are building the QG369 membership community that will be instrumental in the quantum space revolution. The community will access the new orbital economy and quantum Generation technologies. Join the QG® Community and gain access to quantum technologies. Quantum Generations® Inspiring the Next Generation Join at www.qg369.space
In this video, we'll show you the amazing Quantum Phone (QPhone™) and Quantum Generations®. This phone is a quantum computer, quantum smartphone, and quantum internet all in one!
Quantum computing is a new kind of computing that uses quantum bits, or qubits. This phone is the first to use quantum technology and it's amazing! We'll show you how it works and how you can use it to revolutionize your life. The Quantum Phone (QPhone™) is the next step in technology and you don't want to miss out on this incredible opportunity!
Quantum Generations® is developing and deploying its Space-based quantum communications with the Quantum Phone (QPhone™), decentralized Internet, fintech, mobile, and QSAT® Satellites. QG® is the next generation of decentralized infrastructure and quantum technologies in Space that will change everything.
Providing a decentralized, incentivized, and self-sustainable quantum mesh network. We are utilizing quantum cryptography, space-based QPhone, and QG networks. For globally decentralized data storage( QG Space Cloud). We are utilizing the Q369 Token and Qubit Token within the Quantum Generation ecosystem to activate products and services such as decentralized communication products, internet, data storage, incentivized platforms, and participation deployment of the QSAT satellites, quantum mesh network products, and services. Subscribe to this channel and keep updated. Our Exclusive Discord Membership is now available and have a chance at winning a TESLA 3 Automobilehttps://qg369.space#quantum #quantumphone #spacex #aitechnology
Part 17: The Crystalline Chambers
Crystalline Chambers that will change you for ever.
The dawn of a transformative era is upon us. Discover the Regeneration Capsule of the First Generation 1.0, a technological breakthrough that could revolutionize our world. We dive deep into the workings, the functions, the recommended usage frequency, and the unimaginable possibilities of this device.
We are standing on the brink of a society poised for creativity, ready to abandon the restrictive consumerist model that has held us back. Today, we give you a glimpse of what this transformative future holds.
In this segment, we explore the intricacies of the Regeneration Capsule of the First Generation 1.0. We answer the burning questions:
✅ What does it do?
✅ How does it work?
✅ What can this technology achieve?
Interested in bringing advanced technologies closer to reality? Join us in the Creative Society Project! We’ll show you how you can actively participate in shaping our future, right now.
You can find more details in the International Online Forum https://creativesociety.ca/glo....bal-crisis-there-is- “Global Crisis. There Is a Way Out”
? Join us at the official Creative Society website:
? Email: info@creativesociety.com
Holographic regenerating med beds can regrow limbs and restore damaged organs. Regenerating medical
med beds make every other medical technology you have ever heard of obsolete.
A holographic camera that is the most remarkable thing, this camera takes a picture of you, then they remove the film, the film has your picture from the moment you were conceived to the present moment your entire life right there.
Let's assume that you are suffering from cancer, what they'll do is take a portion of that slide when your body was the strongest and remove it from the rest of the film, then they will put it back into the camera and project that holographic image over your body and within moments you are healed, it's just that quick!
‘Within a year’s time or so, almost all hospital procedures will be obsolete!’
President Trump June 14, 2020
Plasma water can grow back fingers just by soaking it in the water 3 times a day!!
There are ways to cure the body by using different wavelengths of light.
Technology already exsits in a number of ways that you can reverse your age by regenerating your cells.
Cloning humans with your own DNA, the clone will remember everything you have done in your lifetime.
This technology is over 50 years old, but it has all been kept secret from us so they could keep us sick and take our money.
The understanding of how this technology works is through the understanding of frequency.
The New healing table uses light and fiber optic arms along with a smart table and holographic projection of your body to show where to repair your body. This could be in every home one day in the near future.
Imagine having a CAT Scanner on your Mobile Smart Phone that is 400 times better than current CAT Scanners in hospitals today. Well, it is coming...
During the last 3 years, the global financial system has been busy converting its international payment systems to the new ISO 20022 banking standard.
November 6, 2020, Special thanks to Dr. Charlie Ward and David Jackman for the updated video. Special thanks to the National Quantum Initiative for their VISION in Artificial Intelligence and the Quantum Information Science Research and Development Plan.
He was given authority, glory, and sovereign power; all nations and peoples of every language worshiped him. His dominion is an everlasting dominion that will not pass away, and his kingdom is one that will never be destroyed.
quantum|gov webpage is found at https://www.quantum.gov
Reference document can be found at:https://science.osti.gov/-/med....ia/_/pdf/initiatives
50-year-old technology will be rolling out around the world to heal everyone.
Do you know how to turn a plastic bottle into a sandwich, a T-shirt, or a phone?
In the Creative Society, every family will have 2 new devices: a recycler and a replicator. With their help, we’ll be able to recycle garbage and generate anything from gourmet food to high-tech gadgets. After all, all material objects consist of the same elements and the main thing is to place them in the right combination.
Even today, people are able to make molecule drinks by printing them on 3D printers! Making food in replicators is no longer a fantasy, but only the next technological step.
However, such progress is possible only if we change the current consumer format of society to a creative one and build a happy world that is not shameful to pass on to our children and grandchildren.
Join us! The Creative Society Project is open to everyone!
Our Survival Is in Unity” with interpretation into 150 languages of the world:
Reposted: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sx6Lrp6fXkI