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The Convex Earth Documentary may be republished in another channel as long as the monetization is deactivated and the source is informed as follows:
"Terra convexa is an independent research of Dákila Research www.dakila.com.br and Centro Tecnológico Zigurats ctzbrasil.com.br originally published in www.terraconvexa.com.br and convexearth.org"
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How did they actually convince millions of people to remove the Ether tech and that it's better to start cutting our forests to burn wood for heat instead?
The following facts support the claim of the ATO being illegal: <br> <br>All law in Australia must be passed by a Parliament in both houses (in states that have both houses) and ..
1930 - The video telephone is shown to the public for the first time in New York City.
A teacher gave a balloon to every student, who had to inflate it...